Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Visit to the North Fork, Long Island

Recently I visited friends Carol and Ted at their summer home in East Marion, L.I., N.Y.  The North Fork of Long Island is surrounded by water on three sides with lots of sailboats and watercraft of all kinds.  I painted each day.  The view of Shelter Island was a favorite as well as the picturesque buildings in the town of Orient.
In May 2010, I was awarded the Dee Phillips Memorial prize for transparent watercolor for my painting "Card Players".  It was an honor to receive this award.

Award Winner Transparent Watercolor, Spring 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Plein Air Painting

The weather has been unusually cold and wet this winter and I haven't been outside to paint very often.  The spirit was willing but the fingers were numb!
At last a beautiful day found several painters hard at work at the Davis Ranch. Lots of varied subject matter to paint including several long views, trees galore and a river and waterfalls.  Still, inspite of all the natural beauty I chose to paint an old rusty water tank truck that had been parked many years ago and not moved since.   Have wanted to paint an old truck and seen so many well done but never attempted one until now.  Quite a challenge to get the proportions right.  The ranch owner treated us like royalty artists and provided with a delicious spread  of food beyond our wildest imaginings.  It is so very nice to recognized as something special even when we are not sure we deserve it.  Heartfelt thanks from all who painted and enjoyed the food.